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Biology and Characteristics of Biting Midges Biting midges are tiny and darkcoloured flies belonging to the family Ceratopogonidae. They cause nuisance to human beings in both rural and urban areas. Only females bite but they rarely do it indoors. Since they have short mouthparts, they cannot bite through clothing and so exposed body parts are more often attacked. Local species of biting midges attack humans are Culicoides circumscriptus and Forcipomyia taiwana. Biting midges rest in dense vegetation and sometimes shady places. They fly in zigzag patterns and usually not fly more than 100 meters from their breeding grounds; however, dispersal by wind is possible. Nevertheless, wind over 5.6 kilometers/hour and temperatures below 10ºC inhibit flying. In fact, they are so fragile that cool and dry weather will shorten their longevity. Larvae are aquatic or semiaquatic, and are usually found in damp places or in mud.
Hazards Caused by Biting Midges Irritation and discomfort caused by their bites can last for days, or even weeks. Scratching aggravates the pruritus and may lead to bacterial infection and slow-healing sores. However, biting midges are not considered important vectors of human diseases. ¤å³¹¥X³B: ¹ª«Àô¹Ò½Ã¥Í¸p Published by the Administration and Development Branch, Food and Environmental Hygiene Department Printed by the Government Logistics Department (10/2013) ´z¿ï·À°A¾÷ • ·À°A¾÷À³°t³Æ¤U¦C¤@ºØ©Î¥H¤Wªº¤Þ»¤ª«¢A¤Þ»¤¾¯¥H§l¤Þ°A°¦¡G 1. µo¥úÅé¡A¥]¬Aµµ¥~½u 2. ¤G®ñ¤ÆºÒ(¤£¾A¥Î©ó«Ç¤º) 3. ¤Kµ}¾J(¤£¾A¥Î©ó«Ç¤º) 4. ¼ö¤O • ·À°A¾÷À³¨ã³Æ©â§l¥\¯à¡A®·®»¸ªñªº°A¤l¡C • ·À°A¾÷À³°t³Æ©ö©ó²M²zªº²±°A½L©Î¶°°A²°¡A¥Î¥H¦¬¶°®·Àò©Î±þ·Àªº°A°¦¡C ·À°A¾÷ªºÂ\©ñ¦ì¸m «Ç¤º • §â·À°A¾÷©ñ¦b¸g±`¦³°A¤l¸ªñªº¦a¤è¡A¨Ò¦pªù¤f©Mµ¡¤f¡C • §â·À°A¾÷©ñ¦b±q¥~±¬Ý¤£¨ìªº¦ì¸m¡C • «ö·Ó¨ÑÀ³°Óªº«Øij¦w©ñ¨¬°÷¼Æ¥Øªº·À°A¾÷¡A¥O·À°A®Ä¥Î¨¬°÷Âл\³B©Òªº½d ³ò¡C • §â·À°A¾÷¥§¡¦a¦w©ñ¦b³B©Ò¤º¡C • ·À°A¾÷À³¦w©ñ¦bÂ÷¦a1¦Ü2¦Ìªº¦a¤è¡C • ¤Á¤Å¦b®e©öµo¥ÍÃz¬µªº¦a¤è¨Ï¥Î·À°A¾÷¡C • ·À°A¾÷¦p¦³¹q±þ°A°¦ªº¥\¯à¡AÀ³¸m©ó¶ZÂ÷¹ª«µ¥µL¾B»\ª««~³Ì¤Ö1.5¦Ì(³Ì ¦n¶ZÂ÷4.5¦Ì¦Ü6¦Ì)ªº¦a¤è¡C • ¤£n¨Ï¥Î¥H¤G®ñ¤ÆºÒ¡B¤Kµ}¾J©Î¨ä¥L¤Æ¾Çª«½è¬°¤Þ»¤¾¯ªº·À°A¾÷¡C ¤å³¹¥X³B: ¹ª«Àô¹Ò½Ã¥Í¸p Published by the Administration and Development Branch, Food and Environmental Hygiene Department Printed by the Government Logistics Department