QM GS932HK Outdoor Mosquito Machine
Multifunctional integration
· Especially strong in killing midges & mosquitoes
· Unique mosquito Eggs kill device
· Fixable on the ground and with 10M cable
· Suitable for outdoor / shopping mall / property use
· Safe for kids and pets. Design for public use
· LED lighting & automatic switch system inside

3 review for QM GS932HK

By Alena Studio - November 21, 2018
QM GS932HK has the latest and strongest electro-black light technology and has a strong ability to attract mosquito. Its ability to catch mosquito is 12 - 26 times stronger than that of outdoor bug spray or outdoor mosquito repellant.

By Apollo Studio - December 15, 2018
Its design is very smooth, including mosquito control and street lamp multi-functional design is very convenient, very long for the installation of the community or garden.

By Ada Technology - January 15, 2019
This is my favorite QM product. It has super mosquito killing ability and can inhale any mosquito close to it. And it can not only kill mosquitoes but also deal with a variety of annoying pests.
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